The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was clear and bright once again, and the colors made me smile. Each shade of red and orange was a gift, and each moment I spent was even more.
It seems that’s twice this week. I wrote what I considered to be a masterpiece today and it will now sit and potentially be reused at a later time. It’s amazing sometimes how your mind goes in different directions and as I wrote we’ve got a beautiful tapestry of life and beyond. My problem was there it is Easter right now and although the piece was very uplifting I saw different ways it could be interpreted so I set it aside.
Sometimes you have to walk in the clouds to make sure that everyone understands the direction you are going. I will not censor myself, because that’s kind of silly. I have also learned to walk a path that I can remember. With that in mind I am consistently me and no one else. Sometimes though I go away slightly different direction and when I do I have to make sure that I believe in what I am saying. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
Have you ever considered that? Have you ever taken a moment and realized that words have weight? Have you ever taking a moment and considered that five years from now you may not agree with what you just said?
With that in mind I went back a ways and wanted to share a few thoughts from years ago:
“we should consider the good and bad, the happy and sad, the positive and negative, and all the aspects in our life as we achieve balance” from November 2015.
“we should be seriously passionate about life, seriously passionate about helping people, seriously passionate about everything” from January 2016.
“shouldn’t there be an urgency to our happiness? Shouldn’t there be an urgency to giving others happiness” from February 2017.
“sometimes it is not that bad to get a little less” from January 2020.
And so many more. I randomly pulled these from the archive section on the side of your screen. It was funny reading, but I find I am almost pretty consistent, and a bit of a goof. Maybe that is a secret too.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you are lifted each day but your life. I hope that you know you are special, and I hope I help, if only a little, to create a series of good thoughts for you to read, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and lift to the clouds…