The sun sets on another day…
Today is I sat at a concert watching an amazing number of diverse groups and people get together I also watch the animals interact. It was interesting to see that at a music concert both people and animals interacted with zero issues and zero frustrations. Yes there was alcohol yes there was loud music yes there were diverse groups yes there were people from a variety of different types of backgrounds and still everyone was 100% in tune.
It may have easily been because of the music and the people who love music but it also may have been a sign that things aren’t so bad. At least hear people could get along enjoy the moment enjoy the music and be happy.
We should take a lesson from all of the people and animals here and instead of setting conditions on every movement in life create unconditional acceptance of each and every person.
I will not be political I will not judge people but instead I simply think give people a chance until it’s time not to give them a chance.
So as the sun sets on another day a concert sets an example for the world. Perhaps we all should set an example for how we should interact how we should be and the smiles and good times we should have with each other. Maybe we should show the unconditional love that I saw here today or at least unconditional respect. If we do so perhaps everyone can be a little happier.
Sleep sweet, love life, and love to the moon and back and the Stars Beyond…
Oh one last thing if there are mistakes this was voice to text while I sat in front of blaring music I tried to read it all but give me a break thanks.