The sun sets on another day…
I was driving tonight and once again passed the sign on the road that said “Continental Divide”. I laughed because of course it reminded me of a movie, but then I looked it up and boy there are a lot of meanings. It made me think a lot about divides.
I want to take a moment and suggest everyone skip the divides in their life for a few minutes. Pass all the things that separate us, and instead, lets just try to be unified instead of divided. Find a common ground, set aside those things we disagree on, and in the process, let’s try to have an amazing today. The sunset tonight was amazing, why can’t every day be like that. Consider it for a moment as this long day draws to an end, and instead of a clear divide, lets find common ground and be happy.
So as the sun sets on this long day, look up the continental divide, and smile for a minute, then think about all the things we have in common. Think about the positive in life, and let’s be happy for a few minutes, maybe two or three, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, enjoy your night, and enjoy tomorrow as well…