The sun sets on another day…
Our moments right now are measured as lacks of interaction. Where we were once a solid, we are now a solution, broken apart by air, and held together by a soluble that is a country, a world.
You know what? That’s alright! We are in a solution but we are still there, still together, and still strong. When the heat is on, and it is on, a solution boils down to a stronger and stronger solution until it is pure, and so will we. It is time for us to realize that this will not make us weaker, but stronger, and the moments in between, well, they are building us as we speak. Don’t let any of this stuff get you down, instead, lets reach out and realize that the world is made up of us, and we will get through.
So as the sun sets on another day, always remember the world is not just one or two, it is a lot, and though we are separated now, we will be back together soon. Make the effort, reach out, talk, laugh, live, and be that special someone who is ready to have fun, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and enjoy the breeze…