The sun sets on another day…
Shimmering in the western sky the sun slowly made its way over the horizon, and as it did the depths of all that was and all that could be were hidden in a series of colors and shades assailing the twilight sky. I stood amazed at all before me, I am amazed at all I have experienced.
The last 5 days have been a whirl wind and I find myself excited and engaged, considering thought process after thought process and challenging myself even more every moment. I have been impressed with so many people and the vision they represent. Not because it is mainstream but because some people see beyond the visible and find their way to new plateaus, and magnificent mental challenges.
Tonight I met a person who was inspiring from a fantastic point of view. If you have looked at any reviews or discussion on books I have done previously you may have noticed I sometimes read things that are a bit over the top. I find as I read I lock on to things that make me curious or, more likely, push me to consider “What if”. As I do so I read a lot of items that many others do not. I rarely get to talk about these books. Things like Quantum physics and the existence of other planes of existence (outside of Marvel movies) as well as the depth of math, science, and the self imposed limits we place on ourselves. These reads give me extensive rabbit holes to explore and new worlds and ideas to consider. The challenge of this person tonight was they read amazing non fiction that is not just what is, but what may be, what could be, and potentially what must be. This rarity of purpose and mind displayed tonight made me feel good about life, and had me considering how fantastic some people truly are as they perceive the world.
Who cares, right?
In the end there are a thousand thousand reasons we should believe what is within our point of view. There are a million million more possibilities if we just step back and see them and consider all is not always as we see it. It doesn’t take long for some people to realize that sometimes the least perceived option may be the right one, and it does not take a fraction of a moment longer to realize that we as a race see a precious little of what is real. Outside our vision are multitudes of complex interactions that we are only dimly aware of, and those interactions, seen by few, are far more in control of our reality than we are. Don’t believe me? All I can ask is you consider you for a few minutes and you will come up with reasons to question how you see the world, or you won’t. There is not enough time, (crayons), (common ground), to present this in a blog meant to inspire and appreciate the world daily. As such I stop here and consider and appreciate that there are some people who consider the world at more than accepted face value and question the ideas surrounding “what if”. It makes me feel good they are there. Moreover, it gives hope.
So as the sun sets on another day, sometimes inspiration comes from unique interactions. In those interactions a new world may be opened. Whether it be someone looking at AI and neural interfaces to change the world, or someone else just exploring the eventuality of “what if” it is the interactions with people who open our minds that give us the ability to grow. Remember, if you do the same thing over and over you may never see a better solution. I believe in people who challenge the norm, and who aren’t afraid to be a little more. It is those people who will reshape our world today, tomorrow, and forever. Be that person every day, and make the world yours, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and let’s see what’s out there…