The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was exciting as the week would out to a single day. Guests are wonderful, and as this week slowed a little, I was happy with all the moments.
As days pass forward it is always exciting to feel the need for more. I cannot easily fathom how we give up, even in the face of adversity. With a willing spirit there is nothing we cannot do, and I am finding that I want, no I need to push the challenge myself each day to do better, to do better, and to make each day more fulfilling.
We all face limitations from time to time. There are real and unreal items that hold us back. We can easily find ourself lost in the moments, or held up by nothing more than ourselves. I am reminded of the little engine that could and the progression from “I think I can” to “I know I can” to “I knew I could” and how we can find ourselves more and more positive just by thinking positive. Scary huh?
I know, it is rough sometimes, but I believe in you. I think you can do anything (even if I don’t know you) simply because I know I can, each and every day. Even when people tell me that I can’t, even when people say you couldn’t, even when people say something they know nothing about, I know I can do anything because I have done some pretty cool stuff and more.
So as the sun sets on another day, find your way, make it good, and don’t let anyone slow you down. I have had numerous people tell me what I couldn’t do and proven them wrong not to prove them wrong but just because I can do it, and find my way to success. Do you not because of anyone else but in spite of them all and be the best you can be and more each day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and you can do it…