The sun sets on another day…
I sit here thinking about a sparkly world with amazing sunsets and ridiculously fantastic moments filled with passionate people with poetic prowess inspiring us all. As I gaze out across the sky and watch the sun set in the western sky I am filled with hope for the amazing moments before us all.
Thank you for putting up with me yesterday and my short advertising campaign for the upcoming season. I know, it’s not something I normally do.
After this weekend’s writing group I have been thinking a lot about words. Words seem to be driving the world right now and in that seeming there is a hope and perhaps a little more. I hear a lot every day about people suppressing speech but we all have more access to information and to the sheer power of words than we have ever had in the history of the world. Imagine with me for just a moment. It wasn’t that long ago that in order to understand anything you usually had to find a book or an expert. Now we have experts at the tip of our fingers and can download dozens of books in a matter of minutes. People say more than they have ever said before and somewhere in the midst of that will be a new truth.
It is there that I am thinking this weekend. It is there that I am thinking tonight on this magnificent Monday. We need to all take a moment and realize the power that words have and try to be kind with this power we have been given. Not nice necessarily, but kind meaning that we should try to project truth and enjoy those people around us and let them enjoy who we are. It’s far too easy to take a negative path and I know we see that every day in words right now. Wouldn’t it be easier if instead of trying to focus on the negatives we found the positives to uplift those around us. Wouldn’t it be better if people were trying to lift us up and make us feel better about who we are?
Today I’d love if you take a moment and just consider the positive is about others around you instead of always looking for that negative that will bring them down. Today I’d like you to realize that words cannot be unsaid even from a small group. With that in mind perhaps it’s time to start looking for the good in people instead of trying to say how bad people are for one reason or another. It’s a thought and I hope you take a deep breath with me and look for the niceties.
So as the sun sets on another day, take a moment and realized that you are a fantastic person. Everyone has the ability to be outstanding. Now realize all those around you have that ability too. Pay attention to that and find a way to point out the good in the world instead of the bad, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and you are terrific…