The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was another magnificent lightshow. I considered a lot during the setting of the sun. I considered the lay of life, and the gifts we have all been given. Yeah, I was thinking a great deal today.
Every once in a while I refer back to the movie Holy Man and the wonderful story told by Eddie Murphy to a man afraid of flying. The reason it resonates with me is because it does not try to solve a fear by addressing the fear, but instead focuses on acceptance and gratitude. I also recently wrote about a song from a group where the idea that you could be happy for someone even if you did not get what you wanted was presented. Yet another backwards approach to happiness. Or is it?
It is December, and the world is full of possibilities. A lot of people will give of themselves for others. In doing so they will present possibilities to themselves about how they can be happy. Sometimes this will be what they want and sometimes it won’t. In the end I am hopeful they find happiness because it is what they deserve.
Sometimes people are so focused on what they want that they don’t necessarily realize that they already have what they need. Other times people are so focused that they lose sight of both what they want and need. And of course there are a myriad of other possibilities here. The big question is if you are faced with the worst possible outcome can you still be happy?
I’m going to say yes. I’m not going to say yes because it is the best possible outcome but I am going to say yes because if you live every day as the best possible day it can be, when bad days come or bad minutes come or even bad seconds come, it’s not that big of a deal. If you can be thankful for yourself and for your life, the bad things aren’t as big a deal as you think they are.
Now I know that sometimes doesn’t feel right. Losing a friend or left one is devastating. But isn’t losing yourself more devastating? And if you flip it around if you love someone and they love you, do you think they would feel fantastic knowing they destroyed you?
It’s a tough call for many but I will say it’s pretty direct and straightforward for me. I have been very lucky in my life. I have had horrible times that most people couldn’t possibly imagine. The man in the yellow shirt and I have faced each other a lot, and he hasn’t taken me yet. I have found a path that works and in the process I have enjoyed my time, even on those days that it was tough I know that my life has been good. I have grown, I have found a way, I have laughed and giggled where others might not. I am hopeful that at some point they will laugh with me and maybe giggle a little.
Take a moment. What have you overcome? What have you learned? If you count the seconds in a day, how many are truly difficult? How many do you dwell on and make more difficult than they are? It’s something to consider because I only want the best for you. I would love for you to leave the past in the past and use it as a way to learn. I would love for you to look for the best future but not get lost in trying to find it. Mostly I would love for you to define your moments every day and not come up with excuses to not enjoy them. You have the power. No one can take that from you.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope that if darkness ever closes in on you that you can be thankful for all the light that has come to you. I hope that you know how special you are. I also honestly hope you can giggle as you face anything and be amazed at the life that you have led, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and it’s a good day…