The sun sets on another day…
Well, there was almost a sunset, but along the way some sun did shine. I know the sunsets are making their way back, and I know some show up and I miss them, but my imagination runs free.
It snowed again today. Not a lot but also not so little that it wasn’t noticed. For over a week now, each day i go outside, my truck is covered in snow. Sound fun? That one is up in the air.
Being in a state that experiences a heavy winter can be the most amazing time in the world. Cool temperatures and snow falling is beautiful and the world seems to shift between seasons and light up life and make you appreciate more. Maybe that’s just me. Having spent quite a while in San Diego, I can say that I prefer weather with seasons simply because everything else is boring.
Send me one more flake and keep the world interesting. Another layer of snow? That’s OK it will melt someday and help water the lawn. Big projects just dumped? There’s always a way to find a better way. It’s actually pretty awesome and for the most part each day is an adventure.
Of course every once in a while, Cayman sounds good. The sunny beaches and spectacular waters are pretty awesome and I have consistently enjoyed spending time on the beach during the months that we should hide. Today is no different.
How about you? Do you enjoy the weather or wish it was just warm all the time? Do you enjoy the weather or get lost in the cold occasionally and love it too? Believe it or not there are lots of people that enjoy both, it’s part of being an individual, you get to choose.
So as the sun sets on another day, take a moment and enjoy all the time you have. Take a moment and let the day embrace you. Take a moment and just relax when the world seems to be falling down, and I hope you enjoy the weather wherever you are. Find your best place and make it better, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and brrrr….