The sun sets on another day…
I visited the lake today and was impressed with the fury before me. I watched five and six-foot waves roll, and occasionally a ten-foot wave crashed across the horizon. The sky was crisp and the waves pristine and it was a good time.
Never walk away from magnificence. Even if it’s only something you can watch from afar pay attention and enjoy the moment. There are so few things in life that we can take a step back and realize how important they are until they are gone. Want to know why I like sunsets? Because just about everyone is magnificent.
I know, there’s always something else to do and some other hill to climb, but if you take a moment and realize the amount of time you spend the day on different things you would realize that including a sunset is not that big a deal. Including a sunset might be the one thing that makes it all better.
So where’s the sun sets on another day, why not take a moment and enjoy? Why not take a moment and watch something magnificent happen before you? Why not build a memory that you will cherish for the rest of your life even if it’s only a small one? Take the time and enjoy every moment, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and thanks for being magnificent…