The sun sets on another day…
Sunset beamed in the distance as I watched the car next to me try to climb backwards up a hill sideways. It would have been funny if the sand hadn’t pushed them towards me.
I found myself staring tonight as I looked at the white truck next to me, trying to position itself where it obviously could not fit. The juxtapositions were incalculable and it’s hard to fit a full-size truck into a compact car space.
I wondered about the person driving the truck, I knew they were very young, but I also wondered what in the world they were thinking. As I looked on I thought about my youth and some of the stupid things I did. Something fun came to mind.
When I was younger, I did a lot of very foolish things. My first car was probably far too fast for me and I was probably far too lead footed to have a car with that much power. At one point a girlfriend really wanted to see a movie and I agreed to get her there even though it was near impossible. I was good at math and did the math in my head and the rate of speed I had to go might have been a little bit over the speed limit. Of course, I was young and I decided to do it anyway. It was an interesting drive and most of it was quite literally a blur, but when I got to where I was supposed to be I was 10 minutes earlier than I actually planned on being.
It was pretty stupid.
As I watched the young man, I thought of this and gave a little bit of leeway even though this person was edging towards my truck and almost certain disaster. Sometimes you look at people and shake your head but for this I knew this young man was trying to impress someone and I just laughed to myself about when I did such.
What have you done in your past that was similar? What have you done that could have been devastating if it had gone just a little bit differently? I hope you were like I was tonight and just smiled a little and remembered your past.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you had a good night and I hope you can take a step back sometimes and let younger people make the mistakes you did. Just don’t let them scratch your truck, that would be really bad. Keep being amazing and help people see the world differently, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and great sunset…