The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was, well, wet for me. Somewhere high above I know the sun was setting, and I am sure it was awe inspiring. Down here in the last throws of pseudo winter, it was wet, gloomy, and full of mental musings.
It has been a difficult first portion of the year. Mentally taxing in many ways but I have overcome adversity each day by finding my center, and exploring the world either by reading, or doing. Both are journeys, and both open my mind to possibilities. I enjoy reading a lot, but always want more, and more, and more.
This weekend I have had the distinct pleasure of spending time with a series of amazing authors from Michigan. I have listened to numerous conversations, discussions, and watched each of the diverse personalities enjoy the interactions with customers and other authors. I am humbled. There are ideas floating about that stun the imagination, and people who have found a way to make the world a place that is not just living, but growing and becoming far more. These people have climbed the highest mountains in their mind, or faced adversity in their lives and related that in words.
`If you are reading a book by any author take a moment and smile. As I read tonight and looked at some of the books I picked up, I thought about the time involved in writing. For many writing is a slower process, for some faster but for a standard 70-80k word book you can expect at least 80 but likely hundreds of invested hours in a book. That is minimal, and a low guess, but now imagine multiplying a few times for editing, then more and more in back and forth. It boggles the imagination that some books may have thousands of hours invested and in a moment they are read, and a moment later, it is done. For the hours invested a writer has given heart, soul, and likely thousands of dollars of time, if not more, and the journey to get to a small block of paper has been a wonderful adventure for them and their readers. As I watched today I just wanted to jump up and down and make sure I read every book there, shared in the magic, the mystery, and the passion that each author displayed. So what, right?
Well, think about it. As you see an author, if you ever see one, think about all they have done, and consider, isn’t it worth sharing a dream? I hear words like “I don’t read” or “I will someday” and at the same time listen and hear the ideas of vacations and moments in time and wonder, why not take a moment and have a vacation compliments of someone else’s imagination. Why not widen your perspective a little and enjoy a craft of words where a picture is painted with no brush, and a movie is made with no camera. It is there we should find ourselves basking in the good, the bad, and the amazing of a mind that builds a world, just for you.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you have an amazing day. I hope you found joy in every moment or at least found joy in some moments. I hope you read, maybe a little, maybe a lot, but read something other than some strange social media muttering. I hope you can see beyond yourself and open your mind to the possibilities that are out there. Find a way to enjoy the spectacular days you have each day. You can do it if you try, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love with a passion that cannot be measured, and enjoy people…