The sun sets on another day…
Ahhh, sunset. There are no words, and when the mountain obscures your view, there is no sunset. The colors were pretty though.
I have written about time a great deal. Time is one of those things that is measurably immeasurable. There was a movie called Blue Thunder where the main character tests his sanity by measuring time. In it he notes that the first thing that goes is your ability to differentiate time at all.
Stephen King had a different view in “My Pretty Pony” where time is relative to the person experiencing time. He stipulates that time is based on the task and person. Tonight as I wrote I was there when 3 hours passed in an instant as I worked on Curious Cousin.
All that is true and right, but I was thinking today as I reread a section in Curious Cousin that we often take our time for granted. I know I try not to, but people as a whole seem to forget the seconds that are there and get lost for a moment. Take for example the first time you hold hands with your new child or grandchild. A few seconds will seems like forever and be burned into your mind for all time. Imagine with me that first kiss with your new person and the moments where tingling excitement burns the split second forever in your mind. Taking a different turn, a car crash where the entire moment slows to no movement at all and you consider over and over the changes you could have made to avoid it all.
What I am trying to say, is perhaps we should take no time for granted. Good or bad we can embrace time and our experiences and realize that from every moment to the net we are learning, growing, and experiencing. We are setting ourselves up for an amazing future.
So as the sun sets on another day, take no moment for granted and instead live each to its fullest. Remember, every moment is a step into the future and let’s make it a good one, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and live on…