The sun sets on another day…
Sunset was beautiful but as I watched the darkness closed in rapidly as the east slowly blackened and the west lost color. It was a fantastic sight.
It was Christmas Day today and it was very unique day. There were a series of cascading events that slowly faded but were quite interesting. From unexpected illness to missing people who are important the day was both less and more and I watched carefully as the day unfolded. In the best of times we are engaged, but we should also be thankful in the times that aren’t so perfect.
I remember when I was little, and that Christmas was such an exciting time. I didn’t know I was poor, but I was and the things we got for Christmas carried us forward through the year. Those were nothing special but they had meaning to us, as we had little to hold on to. As I look back now, I consider my young self versus my older self and wonder why anything what’s more important than my family. As I consider now all of the “things” are no longer important and the most important item is being with my family.
I watch everyone get excited about one thing or another and wonder when everyone will realize the importance of people in your life. It seems like those realizations are often only when people are gone, and by then it is too late. With that in mind, I can only implore that we all take a moment and enjoy Christmas, then enjoy each day and make the people in your life important. I know I try, but perhaps I need to try a little harder.
So as the sun sets on another day, consider well the people in your life. They are the most important thing in your life, and they will carry you forward each and every day. Be there, and find your center each day, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and Merry Christmas…