The sun sets on another day
I watched sunset as the sky closed in around us on the highway heading north for home. It felt good to see the sunset and made the night a little more inviting. The long time before us, well, it would pass.
Today was second day that the Haley Sue Foundation gave Christmas to a group of children that might not have had one without us. There are a seemingly unlimited number of potential charities that people can donate to. There are an equally immense number that help people everyday. The Haley Sue Foundation is Young, but he’s still trying to be that charity that not only helps, but has not become so large that they do not feel the reason they are there.
It is one thing to see the children smiling everywhere but it also means equally as much to see the volunteers so lost in the joy that it is overwhelming. Yes there was a huge job to do today. Yes it was the largest group that we had ever worked with. Yes there were things that came up that we had to adapt to instantly. Yes, it was worth it.
As I breathed in the smiles around me, and saw the room fill with amazement I could do nothing but be happy in the knowledge that so many that were here we’d walk away with more than magnificent memories. As each child engaged and each parent smiled in the background I found myself feeling more than a little happy.
What had started with trepidation and caution had become a group of people being amazing towards a common goal. There are people that attended they probably saw the presents and thought that was the biggest part of what we should see. Something that a child will take home and play with and enjoy. Personally as I walked around the room I can see no more amazing memory then someone actually sitting down and coloring with a child who felt alone. I could see no more fulfilling thought then the child smiling as they knew someone cared.
Christmas is coming and so many people today are confused with what Christmas can mean. How about today we look at Christmas as a time we can make a memory and change someone’s life. Maybe it won’t be something they think about all the time, but maybe it will be a foundation that one day they will look back and remember that someone cared.
So as the sun sets on another day, I hope you find a way to open the hearts and minds of those around you. As you do remember that every day is magnificent and that you can make a difference in someone’s life, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and what a wonderful sentiment…