The sun sets on another day…
As the fog closes in it covers the world with faded gray and keeps us from seeing beyond the moment. Well, maybe.
Sometimes what is right in front of us is so obvious it should not matter if it is shrouded i fog, or lit brightly by the most spectacular sun. Sometimes we should just know. I am not sure why, but often people do not pay attention to those things that are close. They do not listen to their instincts, they set aside things that should be obvious, and we shouldn’t do that.
Trust in yourself, trust in your instincts and look at the world with fresh eyes. With those eyes, see the world as it is, and find a way to dispel the fog and live for passion and truth, no matter what.
So as the sun sets on another day, remember that even if the day is cloudy you can see past it, and somewhere the sun is shining on truth, if you only open your eyes and see it.
Sleep sweet, enjoy your moment, and live your life with the passion it deserves each and every day…