Sunsets are always a bit easy, as they happen as long as the world rolls around. Since we all would not be reading this if the world stopped it is safe to assume that given is true. On the stormiest day there is still a sunset, you just have to move above the clouds to see it and take a moment to see the beauty in the day. So many times people focus on the negative not realizing that if they just raise a bit they will see the sunset they were looking for in their day. After all, we are not measured by the easy in life, we can be measured only by how we handle the difficult and how we rise above.
- The day ends soon and I do not cry
- for as I leave and breath and sigh
- I know the promise of new days
- will soon be coming now my way
- and if i should die before I wake
- I know this day I did partake
- of life and love and all that’s true
- and hoped on high for life anew