The sun sets on another day…
The sun goes where it goes, east to west, and the track can be predicted pretty close. (Actually exactly)
When we set goals in life sometimes the path is not as clear. There are so many things we can accomplish if we just take a moment and find our vision, but part of that vision is being able to visualize your goal. Would it be so bad if you could see yourself already there. In doing so you can determine how you got there, what it will take, and build the bridge between your vision and your reality, filling in the gaps as you go.
In sports many people talk about seeing the goal, being the ball, visualizing the win. When learning new tasks we are told to visualize the objects we must overcome. When I think about new projects, personal or professional I try to see the goal in my mind to help me see the obstacles and opportunities I may face along the way. The key here is knowing where you are going and creating the path to get there. If someone asks you where you are going, remember, you are already there.
So as the sun sets on another day, as you set goals don’t just say it, see it,don’t just think it, visualize it, don’t wait for your path, create your path, and make your dreams a reality, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and live it, each and every day…