The sun sets on another day…
Yesterday I wrote a new poem, today I will post an old one. There is a lot of passion that goes into poetry, and a lot of just raw power. Poetry can fill a void, or build one, make a person whole, or show them where they need to build. In the end, it is all about passion. After all, without passion, what is poetry, just words on a page.
My poem for today from yesterday:
The Wall Rebuilt
Building, thoughts add white hot embers
Feeling the fire boiling like tinder
Magma pulsing, thoughts that thrive
Building inside, fire, alive.
Grabbing old fires, passions, pain.
Pulling them forward, out again.
Explosions pounding deep inside
Seeking freedom from my mind.
Searing flames of ether born,
Burning thoughts and hoarding more,
Grabbing, grasping, furies might,
Waiting till the time is right.
Wrong word said or person done
From the depths it is undone.
Anger, madness flows from wells,
Born of hotter than ten thousand hells,
Walls of patience walls of light
Keep this nightmare from our sight
Use the fire to build anew
And fuel the passions I can do….
So as the sun sets on another day, take a moment, breath a breath, and feel. Pull your passion from your mind and apply it to something, anything, and in the process, make the world a better place, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and feel…