The sun sets on another day…
As the rain fell silently across the horizon a splash of color appeared and was gone. It is all I had of sunset, but it was enough.
They say that on a clear day you can see forever but I have found that’s not always true. Sometimes the world is not as clear as we would like it to be. Sometimes the world is far less than clear and sometimes it’s pretty much pitch black.
Not a big deal right? Well to some people if things aren’t clearly marked out before them the world might very well be coming to an end. It’s important to note that for the most part the world is never clear. I will repeat that, for the most part the world is never clear. Visions of clarity are usually an illusion and promises of tomorrow are even more so.
That sounds awfully depressing but it’s not. From a depression standpoint there is no need to be depressed because we have today and we can Define our best day everyday today. No matter how you feel about today it’s what you got and I feel pretty strongly that we should take the time to make it a good one. Otherwise we very well might have a bad day. Nobody wants that.
So as the sun sets on another day it’s as clear as mud. But it is also clearly a day that we can enjoy ourselves and have a good time. If we’re lucky we can create and make the world a better place in the same way. Remember that this is your day and that tomorrow is not here yet. The world is a better place because of you so help make it even better, no matter what.
Sleep sweet, love life, and today is a good day…